Friday, November 30, 2012


Okay, here we go. I want to propose an idea that can help welfare, medicare, healthcare, infrastructure, and regulation of all of the above, at the same time cutting costs. Now hear me out before you all go crazy screaming Obamacare, socialism, communism, or that I am some left wing nut carrying on without a net. I think this would be a reasonable jumping point, and foundation to move forward.... so here we go: 1) no more tiered healthcare, everyone gets the same entitlement if they pay into the system. It is universal, and there are no 'extras' if you are with one group versus another, or you pay more. That ends, as does lobby-ism in this field. Everyone pays X and gets the same quality care. Here is the controversy, it goes into a regulated pool, and is distributed depending on the care needed for the patient.The government limits it's involvement by having a caring and responsible board that is also regulated in an organic macro way. Just like the supreme court, they are elected, and of the highest ethical fiber. Each board member sits for X period of time. The sickest people get the most care. This includes home care if needed.It would cover dental vision and health for all citizens between the ages of 21-62. No more pre-existing bullshit. At 62 you would be given a senior rate. 2) If you can PROVE TRULY that you are indigent, you are given a healthcare card to allow for several visits per year for preventive care, dental vision and health.In this situation you are given an address for your county, and you are to report there to contribute to your community.You will volunteer for work that you are screened for and vetted for, depending on your ability, and you will contribute X hours per week. If you fail this notation, you will be suspended for your healthcare, until you make up your error. No more free lunch. You can/will work in supervised jobs that give training, OJT style. After X amount of time you can enter the workforce in the field, if the reports on your work are satisfactory, and you will enter at what is called a 'supervised entry', at a slightly lowered adjusted rate, until you are deemed able to work that capacity, unsupervised. Re-train the present workers, and do not take from them, but lower the annual salary by a nominal amount. They are compensated by having people work for them, and they are put n more of a supervisor role to elevate the hired worker, creating a mid management field in that career, be it crossing guard, construction, DPW, landscaping, janitorial, etc. 3) retrain doctors out of specialized medicine, back to old school general practitioners, with a stipulation of each GP is trained in both eastern and western medicine.Also legalize marijuana with government regulations. These factors will stop the over medicating the general public, and legalizing will increase revenue, and lower prescription drug abuse. Re-training GP's will give healthier alternatives to modern maladies. 4)Stop the requirement of unneeded medicine. Not everyone walking in for care needs an EKG, or CAT scan, or preventive shot. Treat the problem, not the health care greed. In turn re-work the mal-practice entitlement. Sometimes you have to suck it up, because the doctor did what he could. You can't blame someone just to sue them. Good doctors are being undermined by assholes who want a quick buck. In turn they, the doctors, should be policing themselves when they see the destructive work of another doctor, where it would have to be reported to the AMA, where it would be reviewed by a board, including the full report from the doctor who is submitting this, with proof of the error, complete with pictures, and a submission of the alternative prescription the reporting doctor would have seen as more fit. Also employ a 3 strike rule. To many bad doctors are making good doctors look bad. Not everyone who wants to be a doctor should be one. Please do not misunderstand, but believe this is a good, bi-partisan foundation to grow on responsibly. Welfare in check, health care, in check, regulation, in check, big pharm, in check, opening doors to a similar idea for social security, in check, medicare in check, elder care, in check, infrastructure, in check. It's a start, why not try it? saves money, and brings in money, and begins to force people, and companies to be more responsible. Let me know your thoughts please!!!!

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